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Find your managerThe role of the Transition Manager in digital transformation
“The change is now…”
This phrase, which has been well known for several years now, thanks to certain French politicians, describes quite well what digital transformation is .
At the heart of the 21st century, the concept of digital transformation is not new in itself. The appearance of the Internet in the 90s and its standardization in the early 2000s greatly favored digital transformation.
Going from paper to digital was only one phase of what is called digital transformation, and cannot sum it up entirely. Times are changing, so is digital.
The digital solutions of 10 or even 5 years ago are drastically different from what is done for companies today.
Examples of digital transformations
They are known, and are taking the digital turn to remain so:
- Societe Generale :
The means implemented to ensure that digital is an effective turning point for both employees and customers are major. See it here: “Digital for All” at Societe Generale – YouTube
- McDonalds:
Everything is standardized digitally, for each restaurant, according to its location. The user experience is also digital, with a profile accessible on any medium, even in restaurants.
- Darty:
The sales assistants in many stores are equipped with digital media with permanent access to the Darty system, in order to best meet the needs and questions of customers. Many customers are already informed and check each seller’s information in real time on their smartphone. Sellers also have the option of validating a payment without the need for checkout.
Digital Transformation, an Easy Transition?
In theory, yes. But theory and practice will always remain two very different things.
The theory is that when you understand the merits of a reasoning and the possible benefits, emerging towards new work methodologies is almost automatic.
But implementing digital transformation can be a lot more complicated than you think. Depending on the sector of activity of a company, digital transformation will require different means. A service company and a company selling goods will obviously not have the same needs.
The implementation of digital transformation is also synonymous with costs. Many companies do not know concretely how much digital transformation will cost them, and how long this investment will be amortized. The means and techniques for implementing digital transformation change very regularly. And what about “ big data ”? How about associating it with your digital transformation ?
So how do you get out of this puzzle?
The Role of Transition Managers in Digital Transformation
For a successful digital transformation , those responsible for it must have a certain experience.
Taking the wrong turn in digital transformation can be an irrecoverable mistake for the company.
Interim Managers go from mission to mission, and some have, during their careers, led many digital transformations. A successful transformation is a rapid transformation, calling on the right employees, the experience and talents of multiple profiles, techniques adapted to the needs of the company, with a uniquely positive impact for the client.
It cannot be improvised.
For your digital transformation needs, our teams are at your entire disposal. We will be able to associate the talents of the Reactive Executive digital transition managers with the crucial needs of your company. Contact us!