The different functions of an HR department
Publié le 12 Feb 2020

The different functions of an HR department

Every business is different. But if some of them have succeeded in being innovative and efficient, it is thanks to an essential element: the staff. It is for this reason that companies have not been afraid to openly admit that their best assets are all the people who work for them.

Human resources play a key role in business. The HR department has a high responsibility for the success of the company, because it performs several decisive functions: recruitment, social relations, professional training, etc. The missions are vast and are recognized as the main lever for the development of the company, because the human being today embodies a real strategic challenge.

What are the 3 pillars of human resources?

The human resources function has become more complex over time. In addition, it represents on average 1.72% of the company’s workforce. This figure covers a wide range of functional areas of intervention. It is possible to list 3 fundamental pillars in the field of human resources .

  • Recruitment

The first function of human resources is to write the description of the various positions as well as the open positions within the company. These are then disseminated on various media: bulletin board, company website, employment centre, recruitment agencies, etc.

Subsequently, human resources take care of receiving the curriculum vitae, examining them and then conducting interviews with potential future employees.

  • Training

The second pillar of human resources is to ensure that future employees have the qualifications and skills necessary for the vacant position.

Training is also present during hiring. To demand performance in the job, it is important that human resources take care of the organization related to the training of the new employee.

  • Compensation

Once the recruitment and training are done, it’s time for the compensation. Indeed, the human resources department is responsible for the salaries of the employees. She must ensure that all employees receive their pay on time.

The human resources function can also take care of studies concerning tips, commissions, the payment of bonuses or any other form of remuneration.

What are the 3 families of HR professions?

Human resources management brings together a large number of professions, all of which contribute to the proper functioning and sustainability of the company. The tasks are also many and varied. But it is still possible to group the main functions of HR work into three families .

  • Strategic professions

In this category, the human resource manager plays a major role in the company. Indeed, the latter is responsible for defining and implementing the company’s human resources management and management policy. It may just as well be a matter of recruitment, remuneration or even career management.

But these are not the only tasks addressed to him. It must also monitor the application of legal and regulatory obligations relating to working conditions and relations.

The director of human resources has the right to be assisted by a human resources manager to effectively accomplish all the tasks to be carried out.

  • Organizational and administrative skills

The missions related to the administrative management of the personnel are diverse and varied. For this, the personnel administration department is surrounded by: personnel administration manager, payroll and personnel administration manager, payroll and remuneration manager, etc.

In this service, employees can have the following missions:

  • Prepare payslips;
  • Manage leave requests;
  • Ensure compliance with legal obligations;
  • Management of employment contracts…
  • Human resources development professions

With regard to the human resources development professions , there is a manager who will be responsible for recruiting future employees as well as monitoring the training of employees already hired. The latter also has the task of recruiting and placing each person in the position that will be adapted to them (skills, skills, etc.).

The human resources manager also sees himself organizing other tasks related to the training, integration, remuneration, promotion as well as the development of the career of each employee.

What are the objectives and challenges of human resource management?

Human resources management brings together a set of missions and tasks on various themes. For good personnel management, it is essential to focus on the main objectives and issues:

  1. The first objective is to recruit the best elements. Indeed, recruitment is a major issue in human resources. It is therefore important to know how to attract the best candidates.
  2. One of the priority issues in the world of human resources is to accept change. It is essential to have the ability to adapt to: the environment, the competition, the consumers, the workplace…
  3. Leader training! For HR management to work effectively, employees need to be motivated and want to stay. The goal is to imagine ways to encourage them to stay.
  4. A positive environment allows an organization to evolve quickly while retaining its best assets. For this purpose, it may be useful to turn to professional coaching.
  5. Maintaining health and safety in a company is one of the issues and objectives within the management of human resources. Managers must therefore ensure the psychological well-being of employees.

HRD: highly strategic function

The primary mission of the Human Resources Director is to ensure coordination between the general strategy formalized by the general management of the company and the skills of the forces in the presence of the structure. He also participates in the construction of the business project by participating in the management committees. The HR director has a global, but nevertheless concrete vision of the company and its resources.

Support and management of the company project

He is able to study the feasibility of the actions envisaged by the management of the company. To do this, it works cross-functionally with the legal and financial departments . The Human Resources Department brings together heterogeneous departments that affect many different missions. Its role is both strategic and operational, and affects all of the company’s support functions. The HR department is also deeply linked to internal communication , as it is responsible for social dialogue and brings the company project to employees.

Organizational management and administration

From an administrative point of view, the HR department is responsible for monitoring the application of the legal obligations of working conditions. Payroll is managed by a human resources body. This role includes the calculation of payslips from a salary grid that the service is also responsible for establishing. For this, the payroll service takes into account the management of variable parts, charges and various social declarations. Compliance with collective agreements during these various calculations is also its responsibility.

Administratively manage the staff of the company and its development

The Human Resources Department is responsible for maintaining a personnel file. This is a central mission since it facilitates exchanges between management and employees. It is for this reason that the HR department intervenes at the time of hiring, by establishing employment contracts.

Thanks to rigorous monitoring of the company’s human capital, the Human Resources Department organizes and regulates professional training, retirements, holidays, breaches of contract, skills assessments, etc. This is what goes into the Forward Planning of Jobs and Skills (GPEC). And it is also she who provides for the recruitment of personnel. It is a heavy responsibility, because the HR department is responsible for finding the next talents who will lead the company towards its objectives.

human resources consulting

Despite these mechanical and strategic aspects, HRD plays a profoundly social role within an organization. It brings social dialogue to all hierarchical levels and guarantees it. To do this, the human resources employee must develop proximity, by regularly interviewing employees, resolving disagreements and basing their approach on information and discussion. The Human Resources Department also oversees the election of staff representatives.

Some functions of the HR service in business are outsourced. More and more entrepreneurs are using the services of independent firms, in particular recruitment consulting firms, headhunters, or HR transition management consulting firms. The latter search for new employees and take care of all the steps necessary for recruitment: sorting of applications, job interviews, signing of contracts, etc. It’s a good way for companies to make no mistakes and acquire new talent within their teams.

What is the salary of an HR?

The salary of a human resources officer differs depending on the company and the experience of the latter. Generally, the basic salary for an HR is between 2000 and 2500 € gross per month , i.e. a monthly net salary of between 1500 and 1800 €.

With experience, the daily gross hourly rate increases over the years. For example, a human resources manager with 10 years of experience can reach more than 2500 € net per month.

To see his salary increase considerably, it is necessary to accept positions of high responsibility as well as complex missions. It is also possible to receive an incentive bonus and a participation bonus.

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