Testimonial Manager – Irit Bober
Publié le 14 Mar 2022

Testimonial Manager – Irit Bober

It is thanks to our pool of more than 12,000 Interim Managers on assignment in more than 12 countries that Reactive Executive remains a trusted and excellent partner. You have given us the opportunity to share your testimonials and it is with pleasure that we wish to highlight your experiences!

Discover all the advice from our Interim Managers, experts in their role, to succeed in this job!

Introduce yourself !

I am Irit Bober, Managing Director with more than 10 years of experience in this business. I am rather visionary and very comfortable in new universes such as internationally.

What does interim management bring you?

Interim management offers me a permanent challenge, rather “neutrality” in decision-making as well as a certain flexibility.

What do you bring to companies?

I provide companies with expertise, a neutral analysis, a different vision, responsiveness while being targeted and rigorous.

What are your first actions when starting a mission?

At the start of a mission, I get to know the world of the company, I analyze the situation with its strengths and weaknesses to establish, thereafter, an action plan.

Do you have any tips for succeeding in this job?

The advice I will give is to always keep a step back to remain analytical in order to set up targeted actions according to the content of the mission.

And why Reactive Executive?

As the name suggests, the firm is very responsive and dynamic with a fine national and international network and professional collaborators.

How do you see the future of interim management?

Rather positively, companies increasingly need to be supported on an ad hoc and immediate basis in environments that are constantly changing, also allowing, thanks to the Interim Manager, to bring new visions or even methods.

Reactive Executive in a nutshell?

Reactive Executive promotes exchange and human interaction. A pleasure to be part of their network.

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