Manager de Transition Banque | Reactive Executive

Banking and Insurance

Panorama of the banking insurance sector The rapprochement of the banking and insurance sectors has accelerated with the development of the Internet and electronic banking. The banking sector has developed an insurance offer around the management of a current account or credit, such as insurance on the means of payment (loss of card or checkbook), […]

Panorama of the banking insurance sector

The rapprochement of the banking and insurance sectors has accelerated with the development of the Internet and electronic banking. The banking sector has developed an insurance offer around the management of a current account or credit, such as insurance on the means of payment (loss of card or checkbook), on the loss of income (unemployment , accident, etc.), then on usual products such as home insurance or car insurance.

As for the insurance sector, it now offers banking services. Bancassurance is a sector that is still in the throes of change with the takeover of insurance networks by banks and vice versa. These mergers and acquisitions are accompanied by the appearance of new financial groups. The projects to be completed and the projects abound. Consequently, transition management needs in the banking and insurance sector are significant. They affect both the front office and the back office. They promote the creation of transition missions in insurance and banking.

Qualities of bank and insurance managers

The banking and insurance sectors employ more than 500,000 people . There are many professional profiles within them, whether functional or institutional. The demand is great for financial directors, tax experts, wealth managers, financial engineering specialists, market operation analysts, but also lawyers, jurists, accountants or IT specialists.

In terms of training , the range is just as wide, but university courses specializing in banking, finance or insurance are obviously the most frequent. The human qualities required to effectively manage banking and insurance are the ability to listen, to clearly identify a Customer, and knowledge of existing products and services in order to meet their expectations. You have to be comfortable with handling numbers, be interested in current events, know how to negotiate , question yourself regularly and be determined .

Advantages of the Transition Manager

In a period of major organizational and structural changes, it is sometimes necessary to strengthen the existing team by adding the skills of a specialist.

These projects are of short or medium duration. So you usually need a seasoned professional for 6 to 18 months . A project , system, human resources director, a financial manager , a legal specialist… Transition management in banking and insurance provides you with a complete and lasting response .

Our managers regularly carry out transition assignments in banking and insurance. These experts have appropriate qualifications and long experience of this type of project. They are quickly available and are totally invested in their mission. Determined, they undertake to respect the dates granted.

To find the manager capable of successfully completing your transition mission in banking insurance, contact us. We will listen to your project, we will define the steps as well as the profile of the professional that suits you. Whatever the sector of intervention, we will select the candidates able to complete your plan. Finally, you will designate the Transition Manager who inspires you. In the days that follow, this strategic or operational framework will be hard at work and at the head of its teams.

Our references

Resource Director
Entreprise internationale leader sur le marché de la certification de systèmes qualité (normes ISO) ou de services
Management Relay
6 months
Mission summary

Review of the organization (processes, IT tools, “make or buy” choices, people in place): diagnosis then definition and introduction of new processes.

Coaching then replacement of the Director of Resources: team of 6 managers directly, 40 employees in total. Coaching of the new planning manager, recently hired. Implementation of activity and performance indicators.

During the mission, improvised management of the very strong slowdown in audit activities following the Covid 19 confinement: partial unemployment, reorganization.

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Transformation Director
Editeur européen de logiciels spécialisés dans la performance financière et le capital humain
Management Relay
6 months
Mission summary

Intervention following a change of CEO and deployment of a new strategy. Replacement of the previous R&D director. Complete inventory of the R&D department: team, organization, methodology and practices. Orientation of the products to be developed for the next five years.

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Commercial director
Société française éditeur de logiciels dans le domaine de la finance
Management Relay
6 months
Mission summary

Replacement of the commercial director. Reorganization of the commercial team. Implementation of KPI and CRM to drive the activity to develop the turnover. Recruitment of a permanent director.

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General director
Entreprise dans le secteur du bâtiment spécialiste dans des solutions dédiées à l’assainissement, l’eau potable, l’irrigation, l’hydroélectricité et l’industrie.
Management Relay
6 months
Mission summary

Replacement of the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager in his commercial functions, HR coordination and management of the subsidiary’s operations and supervision of major projects.

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Site Director
Entreprise pharmaceutique européenne spécialisée dans le contrôle qualité
Management Relay
6 months
Mission summary

Replacement of the director of operations and creation of the position of site director. Creation of a management committee. Implementation of management tools commonly used in the industry. Training of the middle management team in order to make it autonomous. Improved operational performance (customer service rate).

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Consolidation Director
Secteur de la métallurgie et la sidérurgie
Management Relay
6 months
Mission summary

Replacement of the Consolidation and Standards Director. Reporting & financial information system. Supervision and animation of a team of 5 people. Realization of normative studies specific to the Group’s projects. Improvement of the efficiency of the SAP tool and of the reporting and consolidation tools.

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