Podcast by David Gallot – Taking professional references –
Publié le 17 May 2023

Podcast by David Gallot – Taking professional references –


💡 David Gallot , Manager at REACTIVE EXECUTIVE, is talking to us today about a subject that divides: taking references in transition management.

Extremely widespread in the world of recruitment and interim management, taking references is a delicate step. It makes it possible to better understand the Manager but remains misunderstood or even misinterpreted.
So how do you properly create a professional reference? What are its challenges?

David Gallot affirms: “Reference checks are very exceptionally disqualifying in interim management and make it possible to reinforce the relevance of a Manager’s orientation towards a specific typology.”

Thanks to him for having spoken on this subject which leaves room for many debates!

And you, what is your position on reference checks? Leave us a comment !

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