Master Bandeau équipe 1440x760 (3)
Team France
Sorenza Guglielmo

Communications & Marketing Manager and CSR Project Manager

After a year of law studies, Sorenza Guglielmo reoriented herself towards training in Communication and Marketing at the PPA Business School.

Smiling and dynamic, she wishes to deepen her knowledge and open herself up more to developments in her chosen field, public and political communication.

As a Communications Officer at Reactive Executive, she is delighted to be able to learn, understand, experience excitement and evolve within a leading firm in its field.

Curious and passionate, Sorenza Guglielmo will know how to share her good humor and creativity with Employees, Clients and Transition Managers.

Our team

Our news

At Reactive Executive, the news is every day
and we like to share it with you!

Obtain more information, make an appointment with our team of consultants, discuss a project... Whatever your need, we are here to meet it as soon as possible.
Master Vignette équipe - 290x339 (5)