New participants in Reactive Executive Capital!
Publié le 21 Mar 2024

New participants in Reactive Executive Capital!

The transition management firm with €10 million in revenue records its managerial transfer with the
small cap Elige fund which invests less than €4 million for the majority of the capital alongside Bpifrance and the operational manager for two years, Emmanuel Gasparini .

Reactive Executive ensures the transition between its founder Dorothée Baude and her successor Emmanuel Gasparini , who joined the firm in 2022 and who entered the capital during an MBO led by Elige Capital . The small cap fund invests an equity ticket in its range between €1 and €4 million to hold control of the transition management specialist, alongside Bpifrance, a significant minority, and the new manager, who will subsequently be joined by d other key executives.

€10 million in revenue

Founded in 2012 and currently generating nearly €10 million in turnover , Reactive Executive is a transition management firm based in Paris, specializing in transformation, turnaround and relay management missions. “In a rapidly growing market, Reactive Executive has managed to find a place in the French top ten,” assures Emmanuelle Cappello, Associate Director of Elige Capital . Like the French number one Valtus, which orchestrated its LBO in 2020 to accelerate its internationalization, or the veteran of the sector EIM which opened its capital two years ago in Idico, Reactive Executive also wants to rely on its new shareholders to expand its customer portfolio, currently mainly composed of SMEs and ETIs, and to expand its playing field by studying avenues for external growth.

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