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Management de Transition - Manager de Transition Supply Chain - Logistique & Achats

Transition Quality Director

The life of a company is made up of often unexpected surprises! Does your Quality Director or Quality Manager need to be absent? Are you lacking in-house skills to carry out your mission? These situations can weaken the balance of your company. Reactive Executive, one of the leaders in the Transition Management market, invites you to meet a highly qualified Transition Quality Manager who will meet your expectations.
Are you looking to recruit an interim manager?

Reactive Executive can provide you with an interim manager in less than 48 hours.

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Critical situations for your business

Do your customers wonder about the traceability and compliance of the raw materials and processes used, or of your facilities? Are you considering new developments in your production workshops? Do you need to manage a quality crisis by strengthening your communication and developing an action plan ? Do you want to redefine the recommendations for storage, use and maintenance of your products? Or evaluate the performance of your various activity sites? However, for personal or professional reasons, your Quality Manager is unable to accomplish these missions…

The functions of a quality management framework

In order not to affect the operation and productivity of your company, you are looking for a transitional Quality Director who is immediately available, competent and capable of quickly assimilating the culture of your company. Rigorous, his role will consist of:

  • Organize and ensure the proper functioning of the Quality Management system at all levels of the company
  • Define and implement the communication plan on the quality program, both with employees and customers
  • Ensure the proper understanding and application of quality procedures, in particular through training actions
  • Identify Quality problems and propose adjustments and corrections
  • Perform and supervise internal and external quality audits
  • Work on specific certification or accreditation procedures and monitor the sustainability of the certifications in force

The skills of an interim quality manager

Due to the cross-functionality of his function, the Interim Quality Director will have to demonstrate a great capacity for analysis, synthesis and innovation. Communication , both written and oral, is an essential quality for correctly transmitting directives and developing the skills of employees. Thanks to his rigor , his sense of organization and his stress management , the Quality Manager will be able to work on the many projects within the time limits, while respecting the objectives set and uniting around a clear vision and the challenges of your business. Fluency in English is an added advantage.

The benefits of interim management

Transition Management is a recent market with exponential growth . It offers a tailor-made and optimal solution to companies confronted, for a moment, with specific and penalizing situations (lack of internal skills, absence of an employee, temporary increase in activity, etc.) and who wish to find as soon as possible, and for a limited period, a Quality Manager with solid training and significant professional experience. His adaptation time will be quick and he will make the success of his mission, although temporary, his priority.

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