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Management de transition Directeur de production | Reactive Executive

Transition Production Manager

Structuring and making your production site profitable is a major challenge, which has significant implications. Calling on an Interim Manager to provide temporary management of the production site can be particularly effective. Discover everything you need to know about transition management to supervise a production site.
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When to call on an interim production manager?

In general, a production site calls on an Interim Manager to maximize the results of a site, improve its performance and develop its profitability .

A production site often calls on a production manager when it is being restructured. The objective of the production manager will then be to make it profitable and improve its performance. When a site is being restructured, the Transition Manager performs the following tasks:

  • Maintaining the operation of the production site in an optimal way: This notably involves monitoring all production, maintaining relations with suppliers and customers,
  • Analyze and respond to problems encountered if necessary,
  • Ensure the various missions related to the restructuring of the site: define the organization, set up management processes, etc.

In addition, it is common to call on a transition production manager in the event of a change of management on a site. The Transition Manager is responsible for ensuring the provisional operational management of the site until the appointment of the new management . This situation is frequent, particularly in the event of the retirement of one of the directors.

The production manager may also be called upon to take the reins of a site that is in the process of being closed. He will then fulfill the following missions:

  • Establish a precise point of the situation,
  • Define a schedule of actions to be implemented,
  • Determine the most effective strategy to ensure the end of the production cycle in the best conditions,
  • Prepare the teams and conduct interviews prior to the decision to close,
  • Ensure the departure plan in collaboration with the human resources department,
  • Prepare, animate and validate with the teams a roadmap to close the production site,
  • Organize and lead the closure of the site with the team, relying on different entities: finance, human resources, social partners, etc.

What is the scope of activity of a transition production manager?

The production manager is responsible for all activities related to the coordination and operation of the site. He must be able to take charge of all the activities and prepare the teams for the maximum profitability of the site.

  • On the financial level, the transition production manager must establish a roadmap, a schedule and management tools to enhance the site. He must have a clear vision of all the financial indicators involved and implement the means to make it profitable and optimize it.
  • Operationally, he must be able to coordinate and plan production, product marketing and maintenance activities.
  • On a strategic level, he must analyze business opportunities and define a roadmap for the transitional period. This roadmap must be summarized in the form of a schedule.
  • On a human level, the transition production manager must maintain a social climate and ensure the perfect collaboration of the employees, relying on the workshop managers. It is also their responsibility to ensure absolute compliance with the safety rules and processes in progress on the site.

What is the profile of the transition production manager?

To ensure transition management , a transition production director must have a good knowledge of the industrial environment and production, as well as solid experience in managing teams, including in tense and conflictual situations. .

Field and results-oriented team leader, the transition production manager must demonstrate his managerial skills and be a real leader of men. He must be able to adapt to a sometimes unstable context and climate.

On the technical level, he must have solid experience as a site manager, in order to master the challenges of the site and the expectations of the company and to quickly take the appropriate decisions.

Barring exceptions, this position is therefore not recommended for young graduates who want to prove themselves before embarking on a career.

In this context, the role of an interim management firm is to connect the production site with an interim manager whose profile matches its needs.

How much does an interim production manager cost?

The cost of a transition production manager is on average 1500€ per day.

It varies considerably depending on different criteria:

  • Location where the site is located,
  • Duration of the mission,
  • Mission challenges,
  • Size of the site and configuration of the team to be managed,
  • Profile and experience of the delegated manager on the site.

These are the parameters that will influence the interim manager’s salary but also the amount of his performance bonus.

It is therefore appropriate to set precisely with the interim management firm the objectives to be achieved and the planned incentives.

For a production site to be operational and profitable, calling on a transition production manager can have undeniable beneficial effects.

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