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Directeur de la Consolidation - Manager de Transition | Reactive Executive

Transition Consolidation Director

Manager of a group made up of several companies, are you looking for a Transition Consolidation Director? It is a question of fulfilling an essential mission by gathering and organizing the accounting results of this economic entity. The position of Consolidation Director involves mastering many responsibilities and skills, particularly in terms of compliance with legislation. Reactive Executive is the Interim Management firm that will provide you with this Chartered Accountant for the time granted to finalize this specific project.
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What situations for an interim manager?

The arrival of an Interim Manager within a company is a timely option when this entity is faced with a rare and sometimes original situation. In such a context, the teams in place do not have the necessary skills to solve the problem. This may be due to different events: The temporary or permanent absence of the person who usually occupies this position A transformation project including digital transformation , a company takeover or international development. A reversal that results in a recovery, restructuring or closure of a site.

Responsibilities of the Consolidation Director

In order to present a clear and fair result, the Consolidation Director must:

  • Ensure the reliability of this data
  • Compile the results to provide a general and detailed view of the company.
  • Interpret these results to determine possible improvements and savings that can be made at the level of each company
  • Manage a team of specialists to fulfill these tasks

The qualities of the Consolidation Manager

It is a profession that requires rigor and insight . It is important to have a macro-meso-micro vision of the business environment to present coherent action plans. You have to be a good communicator in order to have the figures for each subsidiary. It is common for the results consolidation exercise to include companies based abroad. Speaking a foreign language or even two is a plus in this profession.

In terms of education, the majority of Consolidation Directors have a university degree or a diploma from a Grande Ecole. The Interim Consolidation Managers who make up our teams have generally completed a bac +5 in an Accounting-Finance sector or an engineering school. Their Masters corresponds to Accounting and Financial Technical Sciences, Management Sciences, Political Sciences specializing in Management or Legal and Financial Sciences.

Fulfilling a managerial mission Consolidation of transition

Business buyout and merger movements have accelerated in recent decades. They are disrupting the world of Management and Finance and require more and more specialists in consolidating the results of large companies. Transition Consolidation Managers are therefore increasingly sought after and it is a sector where it is easy to find work. In order to benefit from the knowledge of an expert, contracting a Consolidation Manager on a temporary basis is a wise idea. It allows you to control your costs and have an excellent view of the company’s activity.

To find the Transition Consolidation Director you need, contact our consultants today . They will allow you to target the profile that suits you and they will accompany you throughout the probationary period.

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