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Directeur Commerciale de transition

Interim Sales Director

To take on new business challenges or remedy critical situations within your sales force, the use of an Interim Sales Manager is an advantageous solution. Reactive Executive, one of the leading companies on the Transition Management market, presents this clever formula to you and describes the field of action of this highly qualified professional who will accompany you for a few months.
Are you looking to recruit an interim manager?

Reactive Executive can provide you with an interim manager in less than 48 hours.

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Critical situations for your sales

The absence of your Sales Director or one of the members of your sales team weakens the implementation of your business strategy . This absence may be due to multiple reasons, which may be permanent or temporary. In any case, you want to make up for this absence by having a competent and available Sales Manager. You consider that his presence should not be permanent, but that it will last a few months.

Responsibilities of an Interim Sales Manager

The Sales Manager plays a major role in the turnover and earnings of the company. Its mission is to optimize results. It makes strategic decisions that involve:

  • Market and product analysis
  • The definition of a pricing policy
  • Management of a sales team
  • Building a distribution network
  • The opening of negotiations with its partners and with its customers
  • Prospecting for avenues of growth

From time to time, he organizes commercial events. He establishes budgets and writes activity reports for the company’s management team.

The skills of the commercial transition manager

The values that a Sales Manager must possess and develop are numerous. He must be clear-sighted and able to quickly analyze a commercial context. He must be persuasive in his arguments both with his customers and with his distributors or sales representatives. He must show determination and patience in the management of a sales contract and he must also develop a real team spirit. He will have to work with different departments of the company, in particular the Financial Department, Human Resources , Production or R&D . Depending on the markets in which he will operate, he will have to master a second living language and schedule numerous trips.

The benefits of commercial transition management

Not having the skills required within your company, you are looking for an experienced executive who will immediately bring improvements to the organization of the Sales department. Relying on this Manager or this Commercial Transition Director for a limited period allows you to develop or sustain your activity at a particular time in the life of the company. A Transition Manager is an expert in his field. He generally has training and experience that exceeds the expectations of the mission entrusted to him.

Reactive Executive is a transition firm that offers you innovative solutions useful for the development of your business. Contact us to describe your needs and we will offer you different profiles of professionals specialized in Commercial Transition Management.

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