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Management de Transition - Manager de Transition Supply Chain - Logistique & Achats

Interim R&D Director

Interim R&D Management is an advantageous formula when a position becomes available unexpectedly or when the company aspires to commercial renewal. Reactive Executive offers you an innovative and personalized solution by introducing the Transition R&D Director into your company. This experienced professional will detect the points of improvement of the products of your current catalog and introduce the articles that your customers will want to buy tomorrow.
Are you looking to recruit an interim manager?

Reactive Executive can provide you with an interim manager in less than 48 hours.

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Sensitive situations and interim R&D manager

The needs of your customers are changing rapidly. their demands as well. To meet their expectations, and above all, to anticipate them, a company must have a Research and Development department. Several scenarios may encourage a Manager to use the services of an Interim R&D Director, including:

  • When the current Manager is absent
  • When an SME cannot afford to have this position permanently
  • If it is a complex or specific Research & Development mission requiring external expertise

The functions of the interim R&D Director

  • He oversees market research and customer surveys
  • It carries out monitoring of sectors on which the company’s activity depends
  • It detects growth opportunities and consumer trends
  • It offers product improvements and new item creations
  • He works with the Manufacturing and Marketing teams
  • He manages his team by conducting individual interviews and recruiting new employees
  • He participates in the development of the company’s strategy.
  • He manages his budget and corrects the discrepancies

The benefits of Transition Management

Interim Managers are professionals who have specific training and many years of experience in their sector of activity. Their know-how is a safe bet. Accustomed to undertaking new assignments, they quickly adapt to the organization of the company that employs them. From the first hours, they collect important information to draw up a diagnosis that will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the company, but also the threats and opportunities of the market. At the same time, they establish strong and effective working relationships with all departments of the company. They ensure that their team is motivated to achieve the mission objective. Not being interested in a career in this company, the Interim Managers have no political discourse and only the success of the project motivates them.

Reactive Executive is at your disposal to know your needs. Once the profile of the Transition Manager corresponding to the R&D mission to be fulfilled has been clarified, we will introduce you to Managers who are immediately available. We are committed to you and to them throughout the probationary period.

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