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Manager Juridique de Transition | Management de Transition Juridique

Interim Legal Director

The life of your business is subject to many hazards. You must have a qualified team at all times.
Are you looking to recruit an interim manager?

Reactive Executive can provide you with an interim manager in less than 48 hours.

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Reactive Executive introduces you to the Interim Legal Director you need to calmly manage your projects that affect the legal domain of your company.

Sensitive situations for your business

Engaged in a major operation such as a corporate restructuring or a corporate merger , you find that your legal department has neither the skills nor the experience to carry out this operation? For various reasons, the position of General Counsel is vacant in your company. However, the day-to-day management of your day-to-day business requires the constant presence of this senior executive. To carry out sensitive legal operations, to make up for the temporary absence of this director or to ensure the transitional period between his final departure and the arrival of his replacement, be accompanied by a Legal Transition Manager .

The roles of the interim Legal Director

The Transition Lawyer that we present to you is immediately operational . As soon as he joins, he will take a look at all of your company’s activities. We accompany him throughout the probationary period and we offer him support throughout his mission.

The Legal Director will assume for a few weeks or a few months the different roles inherent to his function:

  • He is the representative and the direct interlocutor of your company vis-à-vis the legal authorities,
  • He is a valuable advisor during sensitive episodes that affect the Financial, Commercial or Marketing department, but which involve compliance with legal standards,
  • He manages day-to-day business such as dismissals, purchases, sales, litigation, etc.
  • He effectively manages his team of lawyers,
  • He develops open and collaborative relationships with members of the management team.

The Legal Director is always one of the first, if not the first, informed of the company’s projects. His opinion is essential on all sensitive subjects.

The skills of your Legal Director

Reactive Executive introduces you to an experienced Legal Department Manager. With an excellent knowledge of legal issues, he is a specialist in civil or criminal law. He knows the law of work, companies or trade. He has good knowledge in the tax field. He demonstrates real relational and managerial skills. Depending on the legal transition missions that you wish to assign to it, we can select an expert in one of these fields of intervention. All these skills often allow him to ensure the General Management of the company.

Adaptation , dynamism and autonomy : Our professionals in Legal Transition Management are characterized by their great expertise and their ability to adapt quickly to new collaborators and new environments.

Dynamic, they ensure that the whole team understands the objectives to be achieved. They check every day that all employees are focusing on the elements beneficial to the company. These missions have a fixed duration. Due to the nature of their activity, Interim Managers do not aspire to a permanent position in the company. They are totally invested in the success of their mission and they are not limited by the usual accommodations involved in managing a professional career.

Reactive Executive is a Transition Management firm specializing in the placement of executives in transition. Our team uses exclusive methods and tools to present you with the right Manager for each mission. Our values are the keys to our success: freedom, agility, responsiveness and innovation.

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