Delegated as Transition Industrial Director , our Transition Manager draws on his experience on different production sites: large series, manufacturing, primary sector industries. He quickly takes a position to eradicate the negative points: quality problems, excessively high costs, difficulties in transitioning to a new technology, etc. He determines in particular whether the problem arises from a problem of communication and coordination between the different sites or whether it is linked to the use of the production tool and the weaknesses of the industrialization plan.
The missions of the Interim Industrial Director
- Define the industrial strategy of the company with the General Management,
- Define the industrial organization,
- Make investment choices regarding production tools,
- Plan the overall distribution of resources between production sites,
- Report the financial results of its activity to the General Management.
His mission within the Transition Industrial Department takes place in several stages
- Step 1: Developing an action plan
The mission of the Transitional Industrial Director begins with the development and implementation of a strategy for the profitability and productivity of the company. - Step 2: Restructuring
The Transitional Industrial Director monitors the market to reorganize certain services. It assesses the efficiency of production tools, considers new investments and allocates the necessary resources to each manufacturing unit. - Step 3: Highlighting the results
He regularly draws up a detailed report on the situation and current developments. He maintains close contact with the managers and managers of each production site.