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Contrôleur Financier International de Transition | Reactive Executive

Interim Financial Controller

The position of Interim Financial Controller is essential in a company that has a portfolio of subsidiaries in different countries. The urgency of a situation sometimes means calling on an Interim Manager capable of replacing at short notice a Controller who is temporarily or permanently absent, or of directing a specific project associated with this responsibility, such as a takeover, merger or the closure of an entity.
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Reactive Executive can provide you with an interim manager in less than 48 hours.

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The needs of an international company

If you have factories, stores or offices abroad that directly or indirectly invoice their services, you certainly want to have a clear and compact view of your entire business. However, it is common for these units to benefit from a certain strategic independence that you must contain in the area of Financial Management. To carry out this synthesis, you must rely on a Financial Manager specialized in international companies. This function is generally attached to a company’s DAF.

Find an Interim Financial Controller

If this position is vacant, due to the absence of the Controller or because it needs to be created, you must fill it quickly. However, the urgency should not push you to take the first candidate that comes along. By contacting an interim management firm, you will meet experts in international operating accounts capable of putting your &. The missions of interim managers last on average between 6 and 18 months depending on the nature of the project.

Responsibilities of International Financial Controllers

The main missions of the Financial Controller are:

  • Reporting : collection of data from each entity located abroad. Preparation of files to be filled in, centralization, control and validation of information. Consolidation of the results in each currency and conversion of the whole into a single currency in order to carry out a synthetic analysis.
  • Audits : programming of rotating audits in each international subsidiary. Analysis of the balances and justifications of the balances.
  • Management of intercos : guaranteeing the intra-group settlement procedure by monitoring and validating all transactions carried out between companies belonging to the same group.
  • Budgets : establishment of budgetary procedures for the subsidiaries and regular updates based on the results.
  • Statutory closings : availability and assistance to chartered accountants during the closing of the annual accounts of the subsidiaries.

The skills of an international management controller

The Management Controller of International Structures generally holds a Bac + 5 in Finance or Management Control . It keeps abreast of changes in regulations in each country where a group entity is present; he masters computer tools and software specific to business management. Due to the cultural diversity of his interlocutors, this finance professional must speak English perfectly, both in writing and orally.

The advantages of Transition management

Our Interim International Management Controllers have extensive experience in their area of expertise. They acquired this valuable know-how by being confronted with complex situations in a wide variety of environments. To meet the transition manager who will fulfill your mission, contact Reactive Executive. Your interim manager firm will study your needs and select the applications most appropriate to your expectations. We will present to you in 2 days the International Financial Controller that suits you.

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