Managers Event: Career Minutes – June 2020
Publié le 25 Jun 2020

Managers Event: Career Minutes – June 2020

Today had our second digital Career Minutes, the event dedicated to interim managers.

Thank you to our attendees!

The Career Minutes is an event organized every month by Reactive Executive for interim managers.

The objective is to organize on a morning the meeting of interim managers with our teams by videoconference for the moment.

These meetings have several issues:

  • Discuss the professional projects of interim managers.
  • Gain visibility with Reactive Executive.
  • Practice presenting yourself concisely and in a limited time.
  • Schedule more in-depth interviews corresponding to current or future missions, if necessary.

Because our job is made up of encounters, today we got to know the transition managers of the Daubigny Network, an association of senior executives, women and men from different cultures and backgrounds, in post or in professional transition.

Through its activities, the Daubigny Network aims to get its members back into business by preparing and targeting their professional approaches to carry out their project as quickly as possible and in the best conditions.

A big thank you to the Daubigny Network and the interim managers for their participation!

Would you like to participate in our next Career Minutes?
Visit our website and our Linkedin page!

Hope to meet you,

The ReacTeam.

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