Manager testimonial – Patrice Lamendour
Publié le 10 Dec 2021

Manager testimonial – Patrice Lamendour

It is thanks to our pool of more than 12,000 Interim Managers on assignment in more than 12 countries that Reactive Executive remains a trusted and excellent partner. You have given us the opportunity to share your testimonials and it is with pleasure that we wish to highlight your experiences!

Discover all the advice from our Interim Managers, experts in their role, to succeed in this job!

Introduce yourself !

I am Patrice Lamendour, I am 56 years old and I am a self-taught manager from the world of R&D, expert in team management, continuous improvement, cost killer.

I also have good experience in management of IRPs, having been president of the CSE and CSS-CT bodies.

Why did you become an Interim Manager?

After 13 years in the same company specializing in the production of lighting equipment, Industrial Director for 4 years, I negotiated my departure and decided to embark on the creation of my ENCOACH structure.

I extended my skills base through a certification training in coaching in 2021 and I offer my skills via the direct approach or managers of transition managers like Reactive Executive.

What does interim management bring you?

Interim management gives me the flexibility to choose the company and the project in which I want to invest myself as well as the possibility of managing my working time as I see fit.

What do you bring to companies?

I provide companies with a relevant reading of their production organization efficiency and the creation of a roadmap to improve the identified weak points, and therefore help the manager to identify strong areas of governance in the short and medium term.

I also give the opportunity to work on the company’s resources to improve the operational and managerial impacts.

What are your first actions when starting a mission?

First, I talk with the manager about the vision of his company and its difficulties. Next comes the P&L analysis to identify levels of financial difficulty. Finally, I make a field visit (organization, cleanliness, safety focus, indicators, team commitment, etc.).

Do you have an anecdote to tell us?

I had the opportunity to work in a company whose central part of its semi-finished production was out of control (no deadlines, no follow-up of internal requests, degraded internal customer/supplier relations).

The impact on the production of finished products was enormous and prevented any planning/ordo worthy of the name and tarnished the credibility of the supplier vis-à-vis its customers.

In 3 months, I established a diagnosis based on a VSM of the upstream and downstream flows, introduced a reliable and monitored planning/ordering process, set up monitoring indicators for the internal production OTD and strengthened the communication of different hierarchical levels.

At the end of the first month, the OTD for the availability of semi-finished products was 52%.

After 3 months, it was 100%, with a process respected and under control.

The teams were delighted with these advances, which relieved the entire production of finished products, helped restore internal confidence in the teams and above all the confidence of the end customer in the deadlines communicated.

Do you have any tips for succeeding in this job?

In my opinion, you have to be able to juggle between the high position (asserting yourself on the solutions proposed and being able to federate and lead the teams) and the low position of listening and respecting the organizations in place.

It’s not always easy…

And why Reactive Executive?

Good image and very active on networks like LinkedIn.

How do you see the future of interim management?

It is a profession of the future to support SMEs/SMIs in the very rapid changes that must take place in organizations to remain competitive and attractive.

The moment is privileged to get ready to face the challenges of factory 4.0.

On the other hand, the reindustrialization of France launched after the start of the Covid-19 crisis is an opportunity for the Interim Managers to be able to support this national effort.

Would you recommend Reactive Executive?

Yes absolutely, great team, a lot of humanity and respect in the exchanges

Reactive Executive in a nutshell?

Hyper visibility on social networks, professionalism of the meetings in your premises, exchanges of a very good level while remaining simple

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