Manager testimonial – Frédéric Fily
Publié le 14 Dec 2021

Manager testimonial – Frédéric Fily

It is thanks to our pool of more than 12,000 Interim Managers on assignment in more than 12 countries that Reactive Executive remains a trusted and excellent partner. You have given us the opportunity to share your testimonials and it is with pleasure that we wish to highlight your experiences!

Discover all the advice from our Interim Managers, experts in their role, to succeed in this job!

Introduce yourself !

I am Frédéric Fily, manager and developer of companies and teams.

Why did you become an Interim Manager?

I became Interim Manager, somewhat by chance, when I was looking for work.

What does interim management bring you?

Interim Management gives me the opportunity to meet intense challenges, by seeking solutions to defined problems and implementing them quickly.

What do you bring to companies?

I bring my know-how to companies in the context of solving these challenges.

What are your first actions when starting a mission?

At the start of a mission, I find out about the type of management exercised in the company and I get closer to the teams in order to understand the issues.

Do you have an anecdote to tell us?

Many people have told me that they have never been questioned and listened to by the Director General, face to face. I always reply that it is my method and then I rely on them to help me implement my decisions, whatever they may be.

Do you have any tips for succeeding in this job?

The advice I can give is to know how to listen well, imagine solutions, decide and act quickly.

And why Reactive Executive?

It is an experienced firm that moves.

How do you see the future of interim management?

Positively, because it brings flexibility and know-how to companies.

Would you recommend Reactive Executive?

Yes quite.

Reactive Executive in a nutshell?


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