IT transition: All you need to know about this digital transformation
Publié le 27 May 2021

IT transition: All you need to know about this digital transformation

Nowadays, digital transformation or digital transformation is a must for many companies. From this point of view, calling on a CIO interim manager can help the company to re-examine the decisive role of the CIO in the organization and the process, well beyond infrastructure and operations.

You will discover in this article the role and the missions of an IT transition manager , as well as the method to find the ideal candidate to fulfill the mission that you will entrust to him.

What is an IT Transition Manager?

The four main functions of the transition CIO are:

  1. It ensures the maintenance of network equipment, computer hardware as well as software and the information system as a whole.
  2. It guarantees the management of IT developments required by the company’s strategy.
  3. It identifies and focuses on growth drivers. The transition DSI defines and implements the procedures.
  4. Finally, it also provides employee training.

IT transformation is a comprehensive reassessment and review of an organization’s IT system . It is intended to improve their service delivery and efficiency in a digital economy. The transition DSI secures and manages major IT projects. He works in collaboration with the management committee and general management like all IT transition managers.

It must be said that a transition CIO represents the strength of the company’s proposal. It provides secure and reliable solutions. In addition, it changes the role of the CIO, that is to say from the support function to that of value generator. Its role is of fundamental interest to IT transition management.

IT transition manager: His role/missions

Whatever your sector of activity and whatever the size of your company, a transition CIO must be operational quickly in the company. The dsi interim manager is, at the same time, a manager and an expert.

He ensures the security of the transformation of the Information Systems Department within the company . With the arrival of new technologies such as cloud computing, he develops a strategic vision.

He sets up new, more efficient tools such as big data, SaaS, etc. He leads and accompanies change with the teams. The company must call on the interim manager dsi within the framework of consequent changes .

He uses his skills to deal with and solve a new problem within the structure, has the ability to act and is immediately operational in his function. Its efficiency and adaptability contribute to the creation of added value for the company.

The company requests the intervention of an IT interim manager in many situations, particularly in the event of a crisis. A certain number of contexts such as the search for performance and development, the temporary replacement of a senior executive, the development of a new activity, require his intervention.

The IT transition manager also implements his abilities and skills to develop skills internally and transform organizational functioning.

A transition CIO performs a preliminary diagnosis before setting up an action plan to solve problems. It also reduces costs. The challenge is also to steer services towards operational convergence.

An IT transition manager knows that the success of a transformation depends on the integration of all the components of the company and the involvement of all of its employees.

He has the necessary experience to encourage the transfer and promotion of know-how, he accompanies the IS team and secures it. He works externally and is known in particular for his “truth-speaking” and his neutrality, two characteristics that facilitate the achievement of results.

The COVID 19 crisis encourages companies to react quickly by calling on their managers to provide economic assistance: business backup plans, financial administration, production adaptation, cash flow monitoring, etc.

According to a survey carried out in the field and published in July 2020 by the recruitment company Robert Walters, the main task of interim managers during the crisis is digitalization. For example, they design new, more modern recruitment procedures, administer the overhaul of digital recruitment or financial management tools, improve cyber security and propose new management methods adapted to remote activities (telework).

In times of crisis, managers are called upon on all fronts to implement, and quickly, the fundamental changes required by companies to get out of their crisis.

As a typical mission, the intervention of an interim manager in companies requires the respect of certain essential steps.

First of all, the company must define the need for this project, its framework and its duration. The company must choose the ideal partner for the execution of this project, he must have a perfect mastery of the sector of activity concerned and proven experience. A transition firm can select the right profile.

Legal formalities like signing and drafting contracts need to be done. This collaboration with experts who guarantee the effectiveness of the solutions put in place will have a beneficial impact on the good strategic development and the sustainability of the structure. The interim manager intervenes mainly at the top management level.

According to statistics from the National Federation of Interim Management, approximately 70 to 80% of the missions offered come under the Ministry of Finance, Human Resources and Industrial Management.*

* Source: Les Echos

How to recruit him?

Many solutions exist to recruit an ideal transition CIO. You can contact an interim management firm , which will offer you experts sorted according to your needs. Some firms have a network built around a large pool of highly qualified professionals, who meet often and know their complementarity. These firms also propose and offer their managers “personalized support”; the objective is to ensure the success of their missions in companies.

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