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How to be a good manager?
Publié le 01 Sep 2021

How to be a good manager?

Managing a team requires qualities that may be innate for some, but which still need to be acquired and improved for others. A good manager is not easy to find. Being able to collaborate with one of them is a godsend for many employees, in search of success and well-being at work. But how to be a good manager?

What is a good manager?

The word manager comes from the word household, contrary to what one might think. A good manager is a leader or an executive in a company. He deals with the management of a team, with the aim of carrying out projects or carrying out tasks for which he is responsible. It is the manager who has the duty to define clear objectives and the way to achieve them.

A manager must know how to lead his team with moderation. If this position is generally awarded as a reward for good and loyal service, excelling in it guarantees you a promising future. A good manager frames, federates and directs his team appropriately . He must have several qualities that allow him to develop his performance, to increase the profits of the company.

What are the qualities required of a good manager?

The first quality of a good manager is undoubtedly benevolence. It encompasses a range of traits based on the well-being of its employees, such as empathy, indulgence and understanding. It has even been proven by numerous studies that the benevolent management style contributes to the productivity of a team.

However, benevolence should not be confused with naivety. A good manager must know how to balance firmness and flexibility. He must also be able to manage his stress and remain calm in conflict situations. He is the engine of a winning team , he motivates and accompanies each member of his team to complete a project on time.

Learn more about the qualities of a manager .

How to recognize a good manager?

A good manager is recognized when he is able to make decisions with confidence and set achievable goals . He is reasoned and adapts to all situations without losing his temper. He sets an example for his team and ensures that the quality of working conditions between employees is maintained. A good manager trusts his team and leaves them free to manage their time, as long as the objectives set are achieved.

He knows how to delegate and does not require untimely feedback. He takes the time to analyze each situation before reacting and avoids micro-management. He makes sure to give meaning to each task and promotes communication with employees. He is an advisor who listens and guides, so that the team remains active and dynamic.

What do you expect from a good manager?

Its missions are numerous and often complex. However, on the whole, effective managerial skills are expected of him. It is he who is responsible for orchestrating all the stages of a project, so that it is advanced. He is respected for his know-how, but must know how to stimulate the collective intelligence of his team .

His role is to make people act , while acting himself, to bring employees to recognize that he is present and available. He is also the one who selects his team. He must know how to spot the talents that will help him perform his tasks properly. All this for the sole purpose of increasing the profits of the company.

What are the functions of a manager?

A manager cannot necessarily have all the essential qualities of a good manager. However, it must be able to hold 6 functions:

  1. Lead activities : he is in charge and establishes the best strategy to achieve the objectives.
  2. He asks the opinion of his collaborators to have an overall vision of the way in which he will carry out the project.
  3. Organize : it is he who is in charge of distributing the tasks and coordinating the work. He plans according to everyone’s availability and the objectives set.
  4. Empower employees : if the old management tended to infantilize employees, modern management would like to involve the employee in each task so that he becomes responsible.
  5. Animate : it is he who ensures the personal development of his collaborators so that they progress in their function.
  6. To direct : it is a leader who must know how to control all the decisions that he takes so that they do not affect the cohesion of the group.

What are the motivations required to be a manager?

Becoming a manager is a motivation in itself, for the prestige and recognition it can bring you. To apply, you have to like the challenge, because a manager must regularly meet challenges. It is also a function that requires versatility because of the various tasks that the job entails. He may be required to manage tasks relating to human resources or write for reports.

Those who are looking for autonomy will also appreciate holding this position. Otherwise, certain motivations must be ignored, even if they are the major reasons for choosing a job: money and the quest for power, which could make you a bad manager.

Good management practices in teleworking

Telework has become a way of organizing work adopted by many companies. This practice is based on the use of new technologies and the operating methods are not the same as those in person. If you want to apply it in your company you must:

  • Be flexible in working hours
  • Provide high-performance digital work tools.
  • Limit stress by promoting moments of sharing outside of work. Organize network games or fun quizzes.
  • Grant employees the right to make certain decisions.

This type of change can affect the organization of your company, if it is not properly controlled. To remain efficient, it is advisable to prepare yourself and be accompanied by an agency or an interim management firm that can help you manage this conversion effectively.

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