Criteria for selecting an interim management firm
Publié le 25 Jan 2018

Criteria for selecting an interim management firm

In business, nothing is ever chosen at random. Any good leader knows this. The same goes for the choice of an interim management firm. Do you want to be sure to choose the right one: the one that will take you exactly to your goals, or even further?
Reactive Executive is an interim management firm present in Paris, but also throughout France and internationally. And we reveal to you today what are the criteria to observe to choose the right interim management firm.

Are you looking for an interim management company, to carry out a complex project or to take charge of a mission with high stakes?

Here are some tips to help you select the most suitable service provider:

Choose according to your sector of activity

Are you experiencing a crisis, or are you about to take on major challenges for your business? First of all, clarify your needs. Even if the interim manager is able to deal with many situations, you must find an expert in the field that interests you. Interim management companies each have professionals who have their own specialties: HR, industry, finance, purchasing, supply chain, sales department, etc. What do you need ? Your answer will guide your search.

Define the mission

The mission of the interim manager is always strategic and at a high level of competence. But what should its role look like? This is the second criterion to be observed in order to choose the most suitable firm . This will be defined by your objectives: do you want to manage a crisis ? Improve performances ? Restructure the company ? Replace a key position? A wide range of missions exists: choose the firm that will meet the situation of your company.

The duration of the mission

Have you thought about how long it will take to achieve your goals ? It must be understood that an interim manager is not intended to stay with a company for the long term. Its purpose is to fulfill the mission you assign to it. Once his action is over and the objectives are met, he ensures his departure on a temporary basis. The mission can of course be extended or renewed, but keep this aspect in mind when thinking about it.


Finally, it is imperative to dwell on the history of the company. Where have interim managers carried out their missions before? You can absolutely choose to favor specialists who have worked in operational positions, or managers who have spent their entire career in an interim management company. One or the other depends on your expectations. Discuss it with the firm, and you will, for sure, have an interim manager in line with your company.

If you want to know more about interim management, contact Reactive Executive . We have many experts able to fulfill a wide range of business missions.

Mistakes not to make

A selection error in your interim management firm can lead to a connection with a profile unsuited to your needs. This delegation of a bad profile can have very harmful consequences for your company. Here are some points of vigilance:

  • Be careful not to choose a firm that is too recently established on the market: for an interim management firm, the network of successful managers is really the sinews of war: to be put in contact with experienced and qualified managers, it is better to rely on a well-established interim management firm.
  • Also be careful of manager selection criteria : some firms are content to delegate to their client an interim manager whose profile corresponds “on paper” to the needs of the company: the candidate delegate justifies a technical expertise which apparently allows him to carry out the mission. But they do not attach importance to the human skills of the candidates, to their natural leadership … yet, in a sometimes tense context, “ soft skills ” are an essential criterion.
  • In addition, find out precisely about the follow-up of the mission proposed by the interim management firm: indeed, some firms are satisfied with a connection. However, careful monitoring before the mission, during it, and at the time of the post-mission transition, is absolutely necessary for its smooth running.

Selection criteria

Expertise in interim management is therefore a relevant selection basis for effectively choosing your firm . This expertise is generally significant of a substantial network of experienced managers. It is therefore a guarantee that your firm can rely on many skills… and refine its selection to present you with the profile best suited to your needs.

A strong international presence of your management firm will also allow you to benefit from a global vision , in the event of a mission requiring a lot of travel, such as the acquisition of a subsidiary .

Why Choose Reactive Executive

Reactive Executive is an interim management firm that was created more than ten years ago: we work with more than 10,000 managers who have a minimum of ten years’ experience, recruited on the basis of demanding selection criteria.

We work on behalf of companies of all sizes, working in a variety of business sectors. This diversity allows us to quickly understand your needs, and to put you in touch effectively with a profile adapted to your expectations.

We attach particular vigilance to the follow-up of your missions; indicators are defined upstream and we monitor their achievement.

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