Unified process or agile method?
Publié le 23 Mar 2021

Unified process or agile method?

For project management that is perfectly adapted to the expectations of your users, it is advisable to quickly set up a process in stages. Different methodologies make it possible to break down your project into cycles, in particular the unified process and the agile method.

What is unified process?

The unified process is an implementation and development method , mainly used by IT developers. This is an iterative and implementable process.

It is characterized by four aspects:

  1. Driving by use cases
  2. Architecture at the heart of the process
  3. Maximum use of models, more specifically UML models
  4. The regular removal of uncertainties thanks to its iterative and cyclical dimension

Four phases are defined in a unified process:

  1. Short Inception: Project Planning and Implementation
  2. Development: priority treatment of major risks, the cycles are therefore longer and more closely monitored
  3. Construction: development of all project features
  4. Transition: preparation for the launch

Agile method what is it?

Based on the agile manifesto which was signed in 2001, the agile method puts the customer at the heart of the project . She insists on the importance of working in clearly defined stages and in self-organization. His priority is to minimize all unnecessary tasks as much as possible.

The scrum workframe is very frequently used to manage a project in agile mode.

It should be noted that the agile method has very variable fields of application, and that it is far from being limited to IT developers alone as we tend to imagine.

To apply scrum, the scrum guide must be applied: within the team, appoint a product owner who will play the role of the client and reframe the project so that the product fits perfectly with the expectations of the user. final. The scrum master, meanwhile, will ensure the proper application of the agile method and help the team move forward by following these rules.

These terms do not induce a hierarchical link, scrum projects do not have a defined project manager, in respect of self-organization.

It will then be necessary to create a blacklog which groups the tasks to be carried out. From this blacklog you will need to plan the different “sprints”, that is to say the milestones that will mark the project. At the end of each sprint, the team meets to analyze the work done and define areas for improvement.

By advancing in stages defined in a very structured way, the team implements the project in an orderly, structured and efficient way.

The differences between unified process or agile method

What method should be used to set up a project in good conditions?

The agile method requires strong customer involvement and regular exchanges with end users: it is more easily replicable than the unified process in sectors other than IT. It applies perfectly in young teams, who appreciate the short cycles and the self-organization dimension of this methodology.

The unified process, by treating the most difficult areas as a priority, makes it possible to approach a project in an efficient and serene way.

Are you looking for a unified process or agile method specialist ? Contact us .

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