5 Tips for Reaching Your Goals!
Publié le 06 Dec 2017

5 Tips for Reaching Your Goals!

One of the main reasons why some managers and entrepreneurs throw in the towel is the failure to achieve professional goals.
Setting goals is an integral part of being a successful manager . But how do you set goals and achieve them? What types of goals?
Setting goals for yourself is actually quite simple. Everyone can say they want to “be the 1st on the market” against their competition or reach a certain level of turnover. But in fact the most complicated thing with objectives is to keep them.
Often the passage of time produces the erosion of beginner’s dreams. And that’s a shame !
Here are 5 tips for setting concrete goals and achieving them:

Find realistic goals:

Do not let a dream become a goal without having studied the question beforehand. That our professional desires become objectives to be achieved is very good, but we must first take the time to think about the feasibility of these. Sometimes, it will take several “step” objectives , intermediate ones, before getting there. It usually takes longer than you imagine and can quickly become frustrating if dreams don’t come true.

Choose a duration:

Every goal should have a deadline . Be careful, however, not to choose the short term because we intimately want to skip a few steps to go faster. Reasonable goals achieved within a realistic time limit are usually a great success, and a motivation for the next ones!

Create lists:

Lists help you stay focused on your goals at all times and know what comes next. The famous ” to-do list ” represents a concrete help to finalize and complete one or more tasks that will complete one of your objectives. Staying organized in the accomplishment of our objectives is an essential step in achieving them.

Reassess your goals regularly:

A regular analysis makes it possible to “take stock” of the progress of the objectives. Sometimes the overall situation of the company or the unexpected turn of certain events does not allow the achievement of the objectives in the originally planned way. This allows you to put in place changes , on the way to achieve objectives or deadlines and still manage to achieve your objective.

Ask for a third-party opinion:

The opinion of others is your best ally . The tendency to want to finish everything on your own to realize your own “dream” almost never works. Asking the opinion of a close friend, a collaborator, a member of our family etc… gives us clear and concrete answers on our weaknesses and strengths to achieve an objective . Of course, it has to be the opinion of someone you trust, someone caring. If the remarks that emerge do not please us, it is generally because they are true. They will require our humility to put them into practice.

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